
Youth Skilling / Training Programs

Our USP is the fact that our programs cover the full spectrum of vocational training including Mobilization, Training, Placement and Hand-holding all done by our in-house Staff and Teams.

Excellent Welfare Foundation has also been organizing livelihood awareness workshops on a Regular basis. These workshops introduce young people to concepts of career building, soft skills and financial literacy. Further, the young people also get to understand the kind of skilling opportunities that are available to them in the Industry and Market place and thereby creating Sustainable Livelihoods.

The rural youth who are unemployed, fasten together to the courses and by the end of the training; they turn out to be so confident that they feel they are industry equipped. There would also be exposure visits to the relevant Industries, work place, etc as part and parcel of the Training to boost their confidence and convincing capabilities.

Our programs cater to evergreen sectors and skill sets. The list is dynamic, constantly evolving according to the needs of local economies and currently in-demand programs that are propelling rural youth towards professional careers.

The young people who undergo the skill training are placed in entry-level jobs which have enabled many of them to be first-generation salary earners in the organised sector. This has also paved a path out of poverty for many of these young people.

We focus on integrating Skill Education with Employment and entrepreneurship through interventions into hands-on-skills, wage/self-employment opportunities, apprenticeships, on-job-trainings and hand-holding through livelihood generation opportunities ultimately resulting in the ultimate goal – improvement of socio-economic status of the undeserved value chain.

Women Empowerment Through Skilling

If a society to develop Socially and Economically, women empowerment is essential.

Women Empowerment implies giving them independence, and choice in how they want to lead their lives. Freedom to choose to pursue education, career and more. When a woman is empowered, she can identify her skills, knowledge & abilities to make her own decisions. Empowerment is an evolving growth process for her, which gives her self-esteem & confidence to face society, and participate in community development.

Excellent Welfare Foundation Women Development activities aim to empower women so that they can become earning members or even Entrepreneurs. We endeavor to provide sustainable livelihood opportunities through training programs in Computer Software and other Skills.

Women face discrimination across the world. This had led to great disparity in education, income, health and wealth. Women account for just 10% of the world’s income and own less than 1% of the world’s property. In India, the rate of literacy for men is 80.9 per cent as compared to 64.6% for women, and their participation in labour force is only 29%. Economically disadvantaged women in villages and urban slums of lack education and employable skills.

Excellent Welfare Foundation has conducted baseline survey to identify skills needed in the market place and has developed training programs for women to help them become micro entrepreneurs or get better paying jobs.

Other Social Development Programs

Enabling the country’s youth to become productive, connected and in charge of their own future requires a different level of thinking, a thinking to prosper and contribute to the economy of the country. While there could be policies and other resources directed towards youth development, one of the crucial change agents to transform youth are the trainers, the last mile stakeholder.

It’s not just a job for an individual from an underprivilege background, it’s about meeting aspirations and lifting an entire generation of a family out of dire straits.